From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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Challenge: Statistics

Challenge: Statistics

(light upbeat music) - [Narrator] Imagine you have a bag of marbles with different colors, and you want to know the distribution of the colors in the bag. You decide to conduct a simple survey among your friends to collect the data. Here are the colors you provided for them to choose from. Red, blue, green, yellow, purple, and orange. Now, each friend was asked to pick a marble from the bag and tell you the color. After surveying 70 of your friends, you collected the following data. 15 friends picked a red marble. 12 picked a blue marble. 18 a green marble. Nine friends picked a yellow marble. Six picked a purple marble. And 10 picked an orange marble. Here's your challenge. Create a frequency table to display the distribution of marble colors based on the data you collected from your friends. Take about 10 minutes for this challenge. Pause the video if needed. Once you formulate your answer, hit Play…
