From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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Challenge: Preprocessing

Challenge: Preprocessing

(upbeat electronic music) - [Instructor] So here's a scenario that just might sound a bit familiar. You are working on a project where you're building a linear regression model to predict home values based on various independent variables. However, you've encountered an issue called multicollinearity, where some of your independent variables are highly correlated with each other. This can make your model less reliable and accurate. So here is your challenge. First, explain what multicollinearity is, and why it's a problem in linear regression. Secondly, describe how the variance inflation factor or VIF works and why it's used to detect multicollinearity. Thirdly, what VIF value is considered problematic. Now take about 15 minutes for this challenge. Pause the video if needed. Once you've formulated your answer, hit play to see the solution in the next video.
