From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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Bivariate analysis: Heat-map

Bivariate analysis: Heat-map

- You've made it this far and I got to pause and recognize that it's no easy feat, and the face that you're pushing forward deserves respect, recognition, and admiration. My goal is to have you walk away from this course with a solid understanding. My mom, who was a teacher, believed in her students and her purpose was to make a difference and create an opportunity through being genuinely invested in their success. I want to promise you that I'm committed to do the same for you. So here we are at step eight, where you're not just looking at correlations on a heat map, you're diving deep into the world of scatter plots, but what are scatter plots and why are we using them? Let's find out. In the last chapter, you prepared and explored your data, including checking the distribution of variables and applying log transformation. In this step, step seven, you're going to dive into the world of bivariate analysis using…
