From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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Applying log transformation and re-checking distribution

Applying log transformation and re-checking distribution

- [Instructor] What's up, what's up? And welcome back. Now that you've visualized and observed the distribution of your data in the last step, in this step, you'll be applying a log transformation to one of your variables. But why are we doing this and what does it even mean? Let's dive right in. First, let's talk about log transformation. A log transformation is like a tool that helps you make your data more balanced and easy to understand. When you apply a log transformation, you're essentially taking the logarithm of a number. It's a bit like using a magnifying glass to see small details. Imagine you have a range of numbers, some small and some large. Log transformation squishes the large ones down a bit and stretches out the small ones. So they're all close together. It's like leveling a bumpy road. Now, let's see why we're doing this. It's because of something called skewness. If you recall, skewness is like a…
