From the course: Building Rapport with Customers (2022)

End customer interactions with a fond farewell

From the course: Building Rapport with Customers (2022)

End customer interactions with a fond farewell

- The last time I called my cell phone company, the representative ended the call with, well, Myra, if there's nothing else, all that's left is for me to wish you a great afternoon. I love the way she wrapped up our call. Her closure was upbeat and surprising. Your last few seconds of an interaction with a customer are your last chance to create rapport. So the way you end a phone call is important. So let's break down how to do it right. Begin the closure process by giving your customer any next steps. Sharing the next steps lets the customer know the call is almost over and this helps you to close the call quickly. Here's what it might sound like. All right, Lauren, I've processed your return. We'll go ahead and ship your replacement and you should have it within four to seven business days. You can check the status of your return by logging into our website. And then you need to end with a fond farewell. After you shared any next steps, you move right into the final closure. This is where you focus on ending on a high note. Nice farewells include, thanks so much for calling us today, Julia. I enjoyed talking with you, Tanya. I hope you enjoy your new coffee maker. I took my kids to see a Marvel studios movie last year. After the movie was over, we all got up to head out. A man two seats down, leaned forward and said, don't leave now. After the credits, there'll be an extra scene. To him, the final ending was so greatly anticipated that he wanted to let total strangers know that we needed to stay. Make your closing so good that it's worth sticking around for.
