From the course: Building Rapport with Customers (2022)

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Create rapport in a customer email

Create rapport in a customer email

- Have you ever gotten an email from someone that just didn't sit well with you, but then you talk to the person on the phone or see them in person and realize it was just the tone of the email that got lost in translation. It happens all the time in customer service, too. That's why I'm going to share with you three things you can do to make your emails read more naturally, like you talk. First, write in a casual, conversational tone. Emails shouldn't read like a formal business letter. They should be worded in a way that is casual and conversational. Instead of typing, "ABC Company apologizes for your experience," try something like, "We're sorry about the issues you had at our Baldwin location last week." Write your emails the way you'd talk if you were having a face-to-face conversation with your customer, casually and conversationally. Second, use lots of personal pronouns. I, we, me, you make emails read more…
