From the course: Building Rapport with Customers (2022)

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Create rapport in a customer chat interaction

Create rapport in a customer chat interaction

From the course: Building Rapport with Customers (2022)

Create rapport in a customer chat interaction

- Studies show live chat is the leading digital contact method. As 42% of customers prefer chat compared to just 23% for email and 16% for social media or forums. If you're offering chat for customer service, you are delivering on your customer's expectations, but it's not enough to just have chat. Your chat interactions have to create rapport with your customers. Here are three things you can do to make your chat interactions more personal and friendly. First, use personal pronouns I, we, me, you, to make written communication sound more warm and personal. Pronouns, especially I and you, establish the identities of you, the employee, and the customer, and they bring a human tone to a chat exchange. Here's an example of how to include personal pronouns in your chat. You'd want to write this. "We have received your return and your replacement is on the way to you." And not this. "ABC Company has received order…
