From the course: Building Rapport with Customers (2022)

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Acknowledge concern with customers

Acknowledge concern with customers

- Let's say this is a live workshop. And instead of watching me online, you're in the room with me along with 50 other people. And let's say, I start the training off with, "Good morning!" And I'm met with dead silence. How do you think I'd feel, if I opened with an energetic greeting and no one said a word? I'd feel awkward, embarrassed. I'd probably be thinking, "This isn't going to go well." Whatever I'm thinking, it's negative, right? And my next response would be dictated by the negative feelings in my head. I might not be my best as a trainer because I'm a little embarrassed and feeling rejected. Here's where I'm going with this. When a customer expresses anger or frustration, and that isn't acknowledged, they're likely to get even more upset because what you've done is reject them. On the flip side, acknowledging concern is a tool to help you create rapport with customers, especially when they're upset. It…
