From the course: Building a Small Business Website with

What you need to follow this course

- [Instructor] The goal of this course is to provide a quick and straightforward way for you to get a small business site online. In order to do that, there's a few things you'll need to follow along with the course. Let's take a look. For starters, we'll be using a free plan with Note that there is a self-hosted version of WordPress available for download at, but that's not what we're using for this course. Next up, you'll need a basic understanding of how WordPress works. If you've never worked with WordPress before, or if you need a refresher, I strongly suggest you check out the Essential Training course in the library. Finally, you're going to need content for your website. This is the text, the images, any videos you want to show, that sort of thing. So, with your free account created, a basic understanding of how WordPress works, and some content in mind, you're ready for the next step.
