From the course: Building a Small Business Website with

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Understanding the cost of ownership

Understanding the cost of ownership

- [Instructor] Even though we're using a free plan, there are still costs associated with running a website. Those costs include startup expenses, as well as ongoing costs. One cost I never want you to underestimate is that of your time. As a small business owner, that's your most precious resource. Other than time, what are the other expenses? The first is the cost of your domain name. Unless you've chosen a highly sought after name, this is typically a minimal expense, but it's an expense nonetheless. Note that domain names are registered in terms of years. You may choose to re-up your registration each year, or pay for multiple years in advance just so you don't have to worry about it. The next thing to consider is your hosting cost. While you're starting with a free plan, you may eventually decide to upgrade to a paid plan for additional features. And if you do opt for a paid plan,…
