From the course: Building a Small Business Website with

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Tips for writing copy

Tips for writing copy

- [Instructor] Before we get into the technical aspects of creating your website, I want to to spend a minute talking about writing content for your site. Not everyone is a born copywriter. Maybe you love writing or maybe you absolutely dread it. I'm not sure, but what I can tell you is that a lot of small business owners I've worked with get hung up during the process of writing copy for their sites. Your content is a direct reflection of your business. Unfortunately, you may only get one shot to attract a customer. And if the quality of your writing is poor that can reflect poorly on your business. In this lesson, I'd like to talk about a few ways to make your life easier as you said about creating copy for your small business website. Even if copywriting is not your thing, these will get you started in the right direction. First, start by thinking about what it is that you want to communicate. What's the point…
