From the course: Building a Small Business Website with

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Setting up the front page

Setting up the front page

- When I added the demo content from the Barnes Barry theme the homepage was already set up for me. In this lesson, I'd like to look at two things. First, I want to show you how to edit the demo content using the Block Editor to match your own content. And secondly, I want to show you how to set the homepage or front page for your WordPress site. And by that I simply mean the page that appears when you just go to your root domain. Okay. So, let's start off with doing that first. If I head back to my dashboard, I can see I've got a page called Home and a label called Homepage here. Now, when it comes to WordPress, any page can be your homepage. It doesn't have to be named Home. To do this, you could go to Settings, Reading. Make sure a static page is selected and then choose from a list of published pages on your site. In this case, it's just my Homepage. The only page I have. Alternatively, you could also access the same…
