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Posts vs. pages

Posts vs. pages

- [Carrie] In WordPress, the two most common content types you'll work with are posts and pages. I'd like to highlight these similarities and differences. So you'll know when to use which. Now let's start with posts. You're likely familiar with the concept of blog post. These are the individual articles that make up a blog and can be organized by categories and tags. Usually when you visit a site's blog, you'll see a list of these posts in reverse chronological order so that the newest post shows up first. Each post is comprised of a title, the content, the date that it was published, who wrote it, and maybe a featured image. Posts are also meant to be conversational. For example, each post has a built in comment feature. You can also add social sharing buttons enabling readers to interact with, or share your content. So that's posts. Then there are pages, even though they're similar to posts in that they can have a title…
