From the course: Building a Small Business Website with

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Ongoing site maintenance and health

Ongoing site maintenance and health

- [Instructor] Part of your responsibility as a website owner is to keep your site healthy. Just like a car needs maintenance so will your website. Just because you finished the initial project of launching your site, doesn't mean that the work ends there. In this lesson, I'd like to share some tips to keep your site running safely and smoothly. First, use strong passwords for your login. I know I already mentioned that, but this one is definitely worth a repeat. On that note, never share your password. If you've engaged someone to help with your site create a separate user account for them. And that brings me to the next step, which is to regularly remove unneeded users from your site. If you've added users here or there to help with something make sure you're deleting those users that no longer need access. Remember, your site is only as secure as your users' weakest password. Finally, if you decide to upgrade to a paid…
