From the course: Building a Small Business Website with

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Installing and activating Barnsbury

Installing and activating Barnsbury

- [Instructor] In the last movie, we looked at a few themes that would all work well for a small business site. Now it's time to pick the one we'll use for this project and drum roll, who's the winner? I picked Barnsbury. Now it's time to install it on my site. So from my Admin, I'll go to Appearance, Themes and do a little search for Barnsbury. And from here, I can just click this little ellipsis and say, Activate. Now this is going to give me the option to import demo content or keep the content I already have for my homepage. In this case, this is a totally new build, so I'm just going to say replace my homepage. But note, even if you already have an existing site and you do opt to replace the homepage content with the demo content, you can still access your old homepage under Pages in Drafts. So just want to point that out that even if you do choose to import demo content, you're not really losing any content that…
