From the course: Building a Small Business Website with

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Identify site requirements

Identify site requirements

- [Carrie] So far, you've thought through the goals for your website and the kinds of things that you might want to include. You might be thinking, Carrie, let's get on with this, but trust me, we'll start building our site soon. And when we do, you'll be glad that you took the time to do a little planning for your site up front. So, we've talked about the site purpose and goals. Now, let's talk about how we actually will go about getting them done. These are our requirements. In WordPress, there are three basic ways to get things done. First, you can use the features that are already baked into WordPress. Next, if WordPress doesn't have what you need built in, you can find a plugin to do what you need. Think of plugins as modular bits of functionality that you can add to your website. Finally, if you can't find a plugin that meets your needs, you can always build a custom solution, or have one built for you. For this…
