From the course: Building a Small Business Website with

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Finding a theme that meets your needs

Finding a theme that meets your needs

- [Narrator] Themes allow us to change the appearance and display of a WordPress site. The great thing about using to build websites is that there are so many themes available. But the volume of available themes also makes it hard to navigate the landscape, let alone find that theme that's just right for your business. So let me give you some tips for making the search more manageable. For starters, jot down a list of requirements and preferences before you start your search. This will help you narrow down your options. Next, check and see if you like the header area. This is where you'll see the site title or logo and the menu. While you can probably customize things like the color or the fonts, the layout of the header area is generally not something you'll be able to change, so you want to make sure that you like what you see. Next, make sure that you like the way the theme looks on mobile and tablet…
