From the course: Building a Small Business Website with

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Exploring customization options

Exploring customization options

- [Instructor] In the previous lesson, we left off here in the theme customizer after adding our logo tagline inside Icon. Let's see what else we can do. Under this colors and backgrounds tag, we get options for setting our site wide color palette. There are featured color palettes that you're welcome to try out, but I've actually got colors specific to my brand and I'm betting that you do too. So I'm going to use those. I'll reference my content inventory where I've stashed my color codes and just go through and replace these. Now, the nice thing here is that as I change these colors in my global palette, it's updating them across the site. So assuming that you haven't individually added a custom color to a component, which could override these global settings, you don't have to manually edit each component to pick up these colors. Let's go ahead and back up and I'm going to go forward and skip to the fonts. There…
