From the course: Building a Small Business Website with

Demo project overview

- [Instructor] Before we dive in head first, I thought I'd give you a quick preview of what we'll be working toward. In this course I'll be building an example website for a small veterinary clinic called Wisdom Pet Medicine. This business offers a variety of services for all domestic pets, including the exotic ones. The website is meant to educate both new and existing patients on the various topics of pet care and let them know about the range of services available at the clinic. The website hopes to facilitate new patient appointments and demonstrate the quality of care available at the clinic. This example project was created to showcase some of the common features you'd expect to see on a small business site. And as we move forward in the course, I want you to use your own content and customize what you'll learn to fit with your own small business. Once you're done with this course, you can use the website you build as your starting point and expand on it further as needed. When you're ready, let's start at the beginning and build a great small business site with
