From the course: Building a Small Business Website with

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Create an About page

Create an About page

- [Instructor] In this lesson, we're going to get our about page squared away. As a small business, this is a very important page. So I'm going to start by just going to pages and add new. has this really cool feature that gives you patterns to use as a starting point for your pages. A pattern is simply a collection of blocks that's been preconfigured. And here's the really cool part. A lot of these patterns will automatically inherit whatever colors and fonts you've already set for your site, no extra work. Since we're creating an about page, let's click on about and see if any of these patterns will work. You can hover over any of these to get a view of the full pattern. And of course, if none of these work for you, you can just click blank page to start with a blank page. And by the way, earlier, when we were looking at themes, I told you not to worry too much about the category that the…
