From the course: Building a Small Business Website with

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Create a Blog or News page

Create a Blog or News page

- [Instructor] When it comes to creating a blog for your site, or maybe you want to call it news or articles, but same idea. There are two ways to go about it. And I'd like to show you both. So just as an FYI, while you weren't looking, I went ahead and added some posts to my site just so I've got some material to work with. So the first method for adding a blog is the traditional method. So in that case, I'm going to create a new page. We'll make it a blank page. I'll call it blog and I'll publish it. Now, if I go and look at this, there's absolutely nothing there, which is what I would expect since I didn't enter any content. But if I open up the customizer and we go to homepage settings, you may remember from earlier this is where we set a static page for our homepage. Well, we can do the same for our blog. And to do that we just select the page we want to use. And automatically we get our blog post pulled in.…
