From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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Working with tool sets

Working with tool sets

- [Instructor] Let's continue looking at some different ways that you can work with your tool sets here inside of the Tool Chest. Let's take a look at the Recent Tools tool set and go back to that Gears icon. You've got a few options here besides the ones I showed you in the last video, and one of those that's unique to the Recent Tools tool set is you can select how many tools you want stored in there at a time from 12 to 30, and you can also clear your recents. So I've got a bunch of things in here that I... Tools I was just playing around with that got added to my Recent Tools. They're not something I want to use again, so I'm going to click on Clear Recents. Yes, I'm sure I want to clear them. And now, those sort of go away, so I've uncluttered my display a little bit. I also may not want to see all of these tool sets that are part of this profile at one time, and I can hide them temporarily by clicking the Gears…
