From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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Working with the tool chest

Working with the tool chest

- [Presenter] As I've discussed in the previous videos, the tool sets contained in the tool chest are stored with your profile. Let's take a little closer look at what I mean by the tool chest and the tool sets. So again, the tool chest is this entire collection of individual tool sets, the tool sets in this case being electrical issues, carpentry issues, recent tools, my tools, and so on. And again, if that's not open on your screen, you can simply come over here to the left side of the screen and select the tool chest panel access icon to slide that open. The tool sets that you see here are called carpentry issues, electrical issues, flooring issues, and so on are custom tool sets, and those will change depending on the profile that I'm in. So if I go to review profiles and click on quantity takeoff, you'll see my custom tools all changed. What stayed the same, though, are these top two, my tools and recent tools. Let's…
