From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

Working with profiles

- [Narrator] Let's jump right in and look at all the ways that we can customize the way Bluebeam Revu looks and functions. Now, for this section, I'm going to open a sample construction drawing that's contained within the application. And you find it by going up here to the top of the screen and clicking on the help menu and then selecting "Welcome to Revu". Then we'll click on "Open sample file" and you'll see we have a floor plan for construction drawing with some markups already added to it. And we'll get to those markups a little later on in the course. For right now, what I want you to focus on is the way that the screen looks. And if you're following along in your version of Bluebeam Revu, your screen may look a little different than my screen, and we'll talk about why that is and how to make the screen look the way you want it to look here in this video. So, to start off with, the only thing that really stays constant in Bluebeam Revu is this top menu bar where you see help, window, tools, batch document, and so on. These always stay at the top of the screen. Let's look at a few of the other elements that are on the screen right now. Over here on the right side of the screen, I have tool bars. And I can grab those toolbars and move them around. I can move this down here, so I have room for more tools up here but these are all markup tools that you see over here. And again, I'm going to call these toolbars. At the bottom of the screen, currently, you'll see a navigation bar. This allows me to jump through different sheets in my document. It also allows me to go from a full screen view to a full width view and allows me to split the screen which I'll show you a little later on in the course. Here currently on the left side of the screen are a bunch of icons. And if I hover over them, it'll tell you what they're for. This one's for thumbnails, this one's for tool chest. I'm going to go ahead and open up the tool chest so you can see what's stored there. And you'll see when I click that, the panel sort of slides open which is why we're calling this the panel access menu. And you also see that I can grab hold of that and change the width depending on what I want to see on the screen. Now up here in the Revu menu, if I click on that and select profiles, you'll see there are different profiles that are available and built into Bluebeam Revu. I'm currently in the Revu profile, so what I want you to do is watch what's on the screen and watch how it changes when I select a different profile. I'm going to select Revu Advanced and you'll see that my screen completely changed, right? I now have panel access icons on both the left and the right. As you can see here. All of my tools moved to the top of the screen. So this is all my toolbars and I still have my navigation toolbar at the bottom of the screen. So let's open the tool chest back up again and select one of the other built-in profiles. We'll select field issues. Now you'll notice that my tools moved again. All my panel access items moved again and my tools inside of my tool chest changed. So I'm going to show you how to customize this in several places throughout the course. But what I want you to understand at this point in the course is that these tool sets, so there's a tool set for carpentry issues, electrical issues, flooring issues. These tool sets live within the tool chest and the tool chest, along with the location of all of these toolbars gets saved in your Bluebeam profile. Now, besides the existing profiles that are here, you can also create your own custom profiles and I'll show you how to do that quickly here by selecting Manage Profiles which opens a new dialogue box. And we can simply click on add and we'll just call it My Profile. Now, you can make as many of these custom profiles as you want. So if, for example, you do concrete estimating, you might have a profile for concrete estimating. And then if you do site estimating, and earthwork estimating, you might have a separate profile with separate tools front and center for that type of work as well. I'm just going to show you how to create one called My Profile. We're going to select that and click on okay and just go back up here to Revu profiles and you'll see a check mark next to that showing that this is the active profile that we're working in. Now, I want to customize this really quickly and kind of leave that profile active for most of the rest of the course showing all of the tools that I want front and center. So I lost my navigation toolbar down here at the bottom and I can toggle these on and off by going to Tools, toolbars, and I can just toggle that navigation bar on and off. You'll see it's now on in the bottom of the screen. I'm going to add the status bar there as well because I want to show you some things that you can do with the status bar later in the course. And then I want to do one more thing, which is I want to customize the navigation toolbar by adding one of the tools that I use pretty frequently called the Undo Tool. So if I accidentally add a markup that I want to remove, I want that Undo tool front and center for me. So let's click on Customize, and I get a new dialogue box that asks me to select the toolbar that I want to customize. I'm going to select the navigation bar left, which is this toolbar down here in the left corner. And I'm going to hunt through and find that undo command which I happen to know is in the list of edit commands down here at the bottom. We'll select Undo and then click here to add the command to the toolbar. You'll see it's been added to the toolbar. There's a check mark on it to indicate that it's active. And when I click on okay, you'll see my Undo tool has now been added to my navigation toolbar. One last thing I need to do to make sure that I save all of these customizations is come back to the Revu menu, select profiles, and then click on save Profile. Now, I showed you a lot of different things you can move around and customize. And again, as we go through the course, I'll show you how to do more things. For example, customize the tools that are in this tool set, change some of the properties of the markup tools that you see here on the screen, and we'll get to all that as we go through the course. But for now, what I want you to do is think about the way that you work and think about which types of custom profiles that you might use to help you work more efficiently as you continue using Bluebeam Revu.
