From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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Using the correct mouse

Using the correct mouse

- [Instructor] In this chapter, we're really discussing how to customize Bluebeam Revu so that you can work with it efficiently. One of the other things that really affects your efficiency when you're working in Bluebeam Revu is using the correct mouse. Using the correct mouse will greatly improve your experience here in this application. And you don't need anything fancy, but what you do need is, at a minimum, you need a two button mouse with a scroll wheel. That scroll wheel is really important because it gives you the ability to easily navigate through the documents like you've seen me doing so far throughout this course. So, for example, one way that I can zoom in and out of this document is to constantly go down here to the bottom of the screen to my navigation toolbar and pick the zoom tool. So I can do that and then every time I click using the zoom tool, I zoom in and if I want to do anything else with my…
