From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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Using plugins

Using plugins

- [Instructor] When you install Bluebeam Revu, the application installs plugins for some of the existing software that's contained on your computer. And I mentioned one example of this earlier which was the plugin that's available for Revit. And when you use that plugin, it provides some specific functionality to convert Revit rooms into Bluebeam spaces. What I'm going to show you here in this video is how to use the Bluebeam plugin for Microsoft Outlook to create a PDF package of all of the emails in your inbox or in a specific folder. So I'm going to say for this example here, I have this project folder, and I've moved all the email correspondence for this project into this folder. The project's closed, and now I'm ready to archive all of that correspondence, and I can do that quickly. Instead of having to convert each email in this folder one by one into a PDF, the Bluebeam plugin is going to automate that for me.…
