From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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Using OCR

Using OCR

- [Instructor] In the last video, you saw that I had no trouble searching for my search term, in that case Tile, and I found all the instances of that word within my document. Sometimes though, I'll type some text up here to search for and Bluebeam won't find anything, even though I can see it right there on the page. There's a couple of reasons that that can happen. One of the reasons for that is that even though this looks like text, it may not have actually been saved as text. So sometimes somebody takes a set of construction drawings and scans them in on a scanner, which means this is really just a big image, as opposed to having addressable, searchable text. And sometimes the way that the drawing was exported out of a program like AutoCAD, the things that looked like text in AutoCAD don't actually become one of these true type fonts that is searchable in Bluebeam Review. In that case, there's a quick workaround for…
