From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

Toolbars for navigating

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at all the ways we can navigate through our documents, and all of the tools and functions that help us do that. First, let's open some drawings and documents. We'll go to the help menu, click on that. Welcome to review, and open that sample file again. So we've got one sample floor plan and then let's go up here to the file menu. Click on open, go to the downloads folder where I put my exercise files and let's open 1031 Southeast Madison. So that's another set of construction drawings. Let's move it to the first page and zoom out. Let's click on file, open, and open some energy guidelines so we have a document. And let's get one more document. Let's go file, open, and open these OSHA regulations which is a big file, 739 pages as you can see down here. Now, I did get a dialogue box that opened up that says, "This document is certified," which means it's locked and I can't edit it but I can view it. So I don't need to see those certifications. I'm going to click on no. And again, I've got a great big document, 739 pages, and I've been showing you how you can jump through one page at a time by using the arrows in the navigation toolbar. But I can also just click here in the sheet number area of the navigation toolbar. And let's say I happen to know that the fire protection specifications are on page 171. I can just type 171 and enter, and jump straight to that page, and I get my fire protection specifications. So that's another way that you can just jump directly to a page or sheet if you know what the sheet number is. Let's go back to our construction drawings here. And again, I can navigate through those by clicking down at the bottom. I'm going to navigate to sheet number seven, as you can see here, which is page A 1.5 in my construction drawings. And I'm going to use the scroll wheel on the mouse as I described earlier to zoom in. And you'll see that I'm on the second floor and I have a section cut through the second floor. And if I want to find that section cut I need to go to sheet A 3.2. Again, I can do that manually by clicking through here until I find sheet A 3.2, but then I lose this view. There's a way here in Bluebeam Review to see both sheets at the same time by splitting the screen. That is also located down here in the navigation toolbar. I can split the screen horizontally or vertically. For this example I'm going to go ahead and split it vertically. And when I do that, what ends up happening is all of my documents that I just opened remain here on the left side. So I could click through those. I can still see the floor plan. I can still see that energy rating document and the OSHA regulations, or I can jump back here to what I was looking at to begin with. And you'll see that when I split the screen, what I get on the right side is a duplicate of what I was originally looking at. Now what this allows me to do is go pull up sheet A 3.2 on the other side of the screen while I keep this view open. So let's do that. Let's click on full page and zoom out so I can see the page numbers. And let's click through here until I find sheet A 3.2. And then we'll use the scroll wheel to zoom in. And I'm looking for cross section two, which is here on this page. So you can see this is a great way to see two views of the same document at one time. Now what I also want to show you is how markups work when I'm looking at two views of the same document. So let's just quickly open the tool chest. We'll go to some paint issues, we'll click on that. And let's just say I'm going to add this markup over here in this cross section view. Okay. You can see I've added the markup. I've added it again on sheet A 3.2, and I'm now done with that view. So I close that view. What I want to show you here, let's close the tool chest so we have more space available to view our drawings and zoom out. Even though I didn't save that view, since I was just working in a different view of a document that I already had open, you'll see that in this view, in this document now, if I click over to that same page, you'll see that markup that I added is still there. Now in order to save that and make sure I see it later, we'll want to go up and click on file and save. So these are the basic ways to access files in Review and step through the pages including having different views on the screen at once. In the next video, I'll show you a different way to navigate and jump directly to a page that you need.
