From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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Shape tools

Shape tools

- [Instructor] When you navigate to the markup tools menu, you'll see quite a few tools for adding shapes to your PDF. So I can add lines, arrows, arcs, rectangles, circles, polygons, and this can be useful for doing things like sketching, what we call red lines in constructions, which are markups to the drawing to show things like small changes or exact locations when we had to move openings, that type of thing. The shape tools are markups that might come in handy for this purpose. Let's take a look. Let's open our Thumbnails menu and jump to the roof plan, and let's say we go to an area on the roof plan where I had to add an opening for some reason, a ventilation opening or mechanical opening. I can come up here and use Tools, Markup, Rectangle, and I can just add a rectangle anywhere I want it on the drawing. I can do things like Tools, Markup, and Dimension, which allows me to quickly draw in a dimension,…
