From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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Setting global preferences

Setting global preferences

- [Instructor] As we wrap up this chapter on customizing the way that Bluebeam Revu looks, you'll see that I've closed all of my open tabs and panels and cleaned up my screen so that we can start the next chapter with some fresh drawings. But before we do that, let's look at one more customization option up in the Revu menu, we'll click on Revu and preferences. And I'm going to call these global preferences that change the way that Bluebeam kind of works and behaves overall. And there's a lot of them that you can change here from advanced things like, do I want to use a hardware or software 2D rendering engine? Most of the time you're going to want to use hardware, but I found that on some slower machines, sometimes if you switch to software, the rendering as you zoom in and out becomes smoother. So if you're having trouble with the rendering, again, as you pan around a drawing or zoom in and out, come here to…
