From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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Set status

Set status

- [Instructor] We'll continue where we left off from the last video, since we were specifically looking at field issues and we added a bunch of field issue markups to our drawings and added those to the field issue layer. Let's look at this column called status. So when I have a field issue, and again, remember this is nice because I can click on my field issues here in the markup list and it jumps to that markup and the page, I don't have to hunt for it in the plan view. When I have a field issue like this, the other thing that I can do is set the status of it. So if I Right Click and select set status, I've got a couple options here. I've got one for review, I can accept it, reject it, cancel it, and so on. I'm going to use the statuses that are grouped here under issues. So it's either open, pending, or closed. So I'm going to set this status to open and you can see it says open set by Jim Rogers. Maybe I walk…
