From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

Properties toolbar and panel

- [Instructor] In the last chapter you learned how to use the markup tools. Now in this chapter I want to show you how to customize the look of those tools. Let's pick up where we left off in the last video, but let's close our tool chest to give us a little more room on the screen and look at a couple of the markups that we already applied. So we applied this markup here that says Progress Photo and we attached that 360 degree image to it. But I want to change the way this looks on the screen. So when I click that to highlight it, you'll see my properties toolbar opened up across the top of the screen. And remember that if it doesn't open up, you can always go to Tools, Toolbars, and toggle it back on if it happens to be off so that it's visible. This property toolbar contains most of the properties in a markup, and it's probably the fastest way to change the look of a markup. So for example, I want to resize that text. I want to drag this out just a little bit and change the size. I'm going to make this blue and maybe I even want to add a little bit of fill to that markup so it stands out. And we'll just go ahead and drag it down here where it's on a blank area of our sheet. So there's just a couple examples of using the properties toolbar to change the properties or the look and feel of a markup. Now that I've done that and I realize, well, I probably want to use this same markup on other sheets within my set. This is a great time to save it to my tool chest by right clicking, selecting Add to Tool Chest, and I'm going to put it in My Tools. You see when I did that the tool chest opened and my tools tool set just added that markup that I just customized and it's now ready for me to click and reuse on other sheets in my set. Now the properties toolbar will probably suit your needs most of the time, but there is another panel over here on this side of the screen that has a gears icon. And when you click that, this actually opens up and surfaces all of the properties that are available for the markup that you've selected and gives you a few more things that you can change for that markup. It's also another place where you can add it to the tool chest and again, just contains a few more options than you're able to display on the toolbar across the top of the screen. Let's look at one more example. Go back to our cover sheet and zoom out. We added an arrow earlier on and I want to select that arrow. I want to change the ends to be an open arrow. I want to always make that arrow a little bit bigger so I can see it. And I want to change the line to, we'll just call it green. Now if I want this to be the way that all of my arrows look when I apply them from now on, I can go up here to this box, select the down arrow, and click on Set as Default. So two options there, I can add it to my tool chest or if I just always want my arrows to look this way I can click on Set as Default. And now any time I select that arrow markup tool it will be green with a bigger open arrow on the end. So the properties toolbar and the properties panel give you some ways that you can customize the look and feel of most of the markups. But stick with me and we'll continue and look at a few more ways to customize some of your markup tools.
