From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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Length and area measurements

Length and area measurements

- [Instructor] Continuing from where we left off, now that our scale is set, I can go grab some other tools and start measuring some useful things here on my drawings. I'm going to click the measurements icon and close that access panel just so I have a little more screen real estate and I can see what I'm doing. And what I'd like to do is go ahead and start measuring out the perimeter length and area of the conference rooms. To do that, I'll just go up here to Tools and select Measure, and I'm going to measure an area, and I'll show you how to get multiple dimensions or multiple measurements out of this area tool here in just a minute, but let's for now click Area. And again, always make sure, or I like to make sure down in the Properties Toolbar that Snap to Content is enabled when I'm measuring things so that I'm going right to the edge of walls and right to the corner of rooms. I'm going to zoom in here on…
