From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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Keeping track using the markup list

Keeping track using the markup list - Bluebeam Tutorial

From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

Keeping track using the markup list

- [Instructor] A core feature of Bluebeam review and one of the features that I think really sets it apart is the markup list. And I gave you a glimpse of the markup list in the last chapter, but you can find it again by hovering down here in the lower left corner, it says Markup. So when I click on that, that panel expands upward. And as you can see, what I end up with is something that looks like a spreadsheet, and it's a spreadsheet-like list of every single markup that I've applied up here in my drawings or my document. And I can use this markup list to find individual markups. For example, if I want to click on this markup in the plan view, it highlights that down here in the markup list. And the opposite is true as well. If I click on this flooring markup, you see that it highlights that up here in the plan view on the construction document. So it's an easy way to click through and find all of the…
