From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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- [Instructor] Another way that you can navigate through documents and even between documents or between documents and web tabs is through the use of hyperlinks. Now if we go up here to our links access panel and click on that, we'll see we don't have any hyperlinks added to this document yet or this drawing yet. So we'll go ahead and close that. Let's zoom out and go back to Sheet A0.0. One way to add hyperlinks, and I'll zoom in so we can see this a little better, is manually. So I can go to tool, click markup, and then select, we'll say a text box, and I can add a text box down here, and I can type, oh, we'll call it energy requirements. And I can make this look a little different by highlighting it, coming up here to the properties toolbar, and giving it a bigger font size, and let's change the color to black so it looks like the rest of the typing on our sheet. And then I have that selected, I've entered some…
