From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

Getting started with markup tools - Bluebeam Tutorial

From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

Getting started with markup tools

- [Narrator] The last chapter was about navigation and access tools. This chapter is about markup tools. The tools that can be used to markup drawings and documents are a core part of Bluebeam Revu's functionality. But before we jump in, let's establish some terms that I'll be using. When I refer to markup tools, I'm referring to all the tools that can be used to add information, like lines and comments and stamps, to the existing PDF document. Later in the course, I'll use the term editing tools, and this is going to refer to the tools that you can use to alter the underlying content contained in the PDF document itself. And then I'll also show you measurement tools, found here in the top menu bar. And measurement tools are really just markup tools that also calculate measurements when you apply them to the existing PDF documents. So as you can see, the markup tools are generally found here in this top menu under Tools and Markup. But there's also another way to find all of these different tools by going to the Help menu and clicking on Find Tools and Commands. Doing that gives you this little dialogue box off to the side, and you can type the name of any tool or function or command that you're looking for. So if I want to add an arrow to this document, and I just don't remember where to find that, I can start typing the word arrow and that pops up right here. And when I click this, that actually activates that arrow tool. So I can just quickly draw an arrow, as you see here on the drawing. And that's just one more quick and easy way that I can find tools here in Bluebeam Revu if I just don't remember which menu it falls under at the top. And this goes for markup tools, editing tools, document tools. You can find them all by clicking Help and then Find Tools and Commands. Now at this point in the course, I've shown you five places where you can access the markup tools that you need. We've talked about the Tool Chest, over here in the panel access bar. I've shown you how to find the keyboard shortcuts. I showed you where to find tools up here in the top menu. And we discussed how to customize the toolbars when I added this undo tool to my navigation toolbar. You now also know how to activate tools by searching for them up here in the Help menu. Let's continue and we'll take a look at what all of these markup tools can actually do.
