From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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Export markup data

Export markup data

- [Instructor] The data that's contained down here in the markup list doesn't have to stay here. It's easy to export to a spreadsheet format where we can open it in an application like Microsoft Excel and continue to process this data by doing things like adding labor and material price calculations based on the quantities that we export. Let's take a look by jumping back to our sample floor plan, we'll close the Layers panel, and I'm using the sample floor plan because I know that we have already applied some quantity takeoffs for things like flooring and glazing. So I can see those down here, and we've looked at them before, where we have our flooring quantities. Let's change our markup list a little bit by turning some columns on so that we can see that there's quantities contained here. So we'll turn on length, area, and wall area. We'll also turn on the label column. So now we see our subject, our label, and over…
