From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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Edit PDF content

Edit PDF content

- [Instructor] Earlier in the course, I differentiated between adding markups to a document which is what we've been doing so far and editing the underlying original content in a PDF. Now, let's take a look at how to edit that underlying content, but do keep in mind that sometimes the underlying content can't be edited at all because it's been locked by the creator of the document. Let's take a look using just a clean copy of the exercise file I provided for 1031 Southeast Madison. You can either go back and open it from the location you saved it, or I should be able to go to Open Recents and find it in my Recents file access tab. We'll click open, and I've got our clean set of exercise files here on the screen. Let's look at a couple of things that we can do with the actual PDF document that don't entail adding markups. So first, if I click on the thumbnail page, I can do some things with the actual sheets like select…
