From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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Create markup reports

Create markup reports

- [Instructor] For this next example, let's switch back to 1031 Southeast Madison. Where in previous videos, we applied several of these field issue markups that, again, I would like to pull out of the markup list down here, but I don't really need to dump them into a spreadsheet because I don't need to process them at all. I just need them as a list. So I can do that just as easily by clicking on the summary icon and choosing PDF summary. Again, we get our dialogue box. We'll start with columns. And for this example, I want to see the subject, the label. I want to see which sheet that was applied on because now I've got a set of construction drawings with multiple sheets. If there's comments, I want to see those. I want to know who applied them and when. I want to see the status that we looked at applying earlier in the course. Now for these, I don't need quantity information and I don't really need to know which layer…
