From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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Counting and quantity takeoffs

Counting and quantity takeoffs - Bluebeam Tutorial

From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

Counting and quantity takeoffs

- [Instructor] If I'm an estimator, I probably spend a lot of time counting things that relate to my trade. Things like light fixtures, electrical outlets, doors, and windows. On paper drawings, I used to go through and find each one of these and check them off as I counted them. And then I would transfer that count to my spreadsheet. Here in Bluebeam Revu, I have a little quicker way to do this now that I'm using digital drawings. Let's close our measurement access panel and zoom out and take a look at the counting feature. Now, in the last video, we left off with our dynamic fill tool so we want to make sure to close that bar as well so it's not in our way. And let's pick something to count. Let's come over here to a clean section of the drawing and we'll go ahead and count doors. So what we need to do is come up to our Tools menu, select Measure. And down towards the bottom, choose our Count tool. You'll see my…
