From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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- Thank you for watching my course. Bluebeam Revu is a big application with many features and many different uses that are not limited to just viewing and marking up construction drawings. It's a great tool for facility managers to access building information. Think about the ease of having everyone contribute to a Redline markup layer right in the construction drawings. When the project's complete, I'm ready to save a copy and hand it directly over to the building owner. It's also great for any PDF files like project specifications because I can use tools like the search functions to find what I'm looking for and I can create hyperlinks back and forth between documents or between the specifications and the drawings. There are many ways to use all these features to create more efficient digital workflows. If you have a unique solution or workflow I would love to hear about it. Use the Q and A tab on the main…
