From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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Callout tools

Callout tools

- [Instructor] A common thing we do on construction drawings is we add callouts and comments to them. Let's take a look at two tools that allow us to do that in Bluebeam Revu. I'm going to zoom out and use my 1031 Southeast Madison construction drawings. Scroll through until we find, let's look at our finished schedule, actually. We'll zoom in here. Go back to the cafe that we looked at earlier, and let's take a look at two of the different callout tools that we can use. So up here in the upper menu, I can click on Tools, Markup, and I can select Callout. And maybe we'll put it here. And we'll draw an arrow and then hold the mouse button down while we drag the text portion of our callout into a blank space on the page. And we'll just type our callout, "This is a desk." And when I click again on the mouse button, that completes this markup. So I've added an arrow with some text. I can select the end of that arrow…
