From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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Bookmark and sheet names

- [Instructor] So far throughout this course, I have been clicking on several of the panel access icons, and I've shown you how they open and close and how you can drag the handle and make them wider, which gives you more room to view what happens to be in the panel access tab. But it takes up a little bit of your main viewing space on the screen. So that's why I tend to open and close these instead of leaving them open. It just makes the screen a little less cluttered. You can also go up here to the Windows menu and Auto-Hide Panel Access, which you'll see slides all of those closed until you move the cursor over, and it just gives you, again, a little more screen real estate. I like to keep those open. I've got a nice big screen in front of me, and I don't feel like it takes up a lot of space, but if you need the space, you can auto-hide those. Now let's look at a few more of the panel access icons that we have over…
