From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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Assign markups to layers

Assign markups to layers

- [Instructor] Let's continue our discussion by leaving the floor plan and switching to 1031 Southeast Madison. Let's also go up to review, profiles, and make sure we're in the custom profile created earlier in the course. And let's open up the thumbnails tab so I can navigate through this document. Now I want to come back to the topic of layers that I explained earlier in the course, where I showed you how to assign markups to layers and then how to turn those layers on and off. And we'll notice that in this particular set of drawings, we haven't added any layers to this set yet, so that's blank. But if we go back to our thumbnail view and jump over to Sheet A2.1, our first floor plan, we have added some markups that are not assigned to a layer. So we have this wrong tile or field issue type of markup, and we can see that it's not assigned to a layer because we don't have any layers right now. And sometimes that just…
