From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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Advanced text search

Advanced text search

- [Instructor] For this chapter on searching and comparing sheets, I'm going to go back and use a clean copy of the 1031 Southeast Madison exercise file that I provided for this course.. I should be able to go to the file menu and either open it from the location where I saved it, or since I've accessed it recently, I'm going to click on open recents and find 1031 Southeast Madison Architectural CD sets and click to open. Let's zoom out so we can see the whole thing, and we'll take a look at some of the text search functions. I can find those by coming over to the left side of the screen and hovering over this icon which tells me it's the search icon. Clicking opens that access panel and I'm going to start here with this icon. When I hover over it, it says text. And this functions, like most text search features in different applications, let's search for the word tile throughout this document. Now, what I think is…
