From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

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Add pricing to the markup list

Add pricing to the markup list - Bluebeam Tutorial

From the course: Bluebeam Revu 21 Essential Training

Add pricing to the markup list

- [Instructor] The markup list looks an acts like a spreadsheet. And in an earlier video, I showed you how to export the information contained in these rows and columns of the markup list into an Excel spreadsheet where you could continue to work with the data. But you can also use the markup list to calculate some things directly without exporting this data by just adding some custom columns. So let's take a look. Let's go to our Markup List, and select Columns, and let's turn a few things off to change our view a little bit. I don't need the Page Label. I don't need Comments, Author, Date or Status. We'll leave Length, Area, turn off Wall Area and Volume. Don't need Layer, don't need Space, we'll leave Count. Here let's take a look at this. So now I have Doors. I'm missing a column. We'll turn Label back on and we will drag Label over next to Subject. So now I have Doors, Door Type One and a Count, Flooring…
