From the course: Be the Manager People Won't Leave

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Be open to another way

Be open to another way

- As a human resources consultant, I spend a lot of time reading employee surveys and talking to people about their feelings, and something that comes up again and again is that workers are worried about taking risks. Why is that? They think you, their manager, are afraid of failure. They're concerned that you won't have their back if they make a mistake. Want to be a manager that people won't leave? You must be more than a figurehead on an org chart. You must also become a risk manager who helps employees uncover creative solutions to problems. That's why I'd like to teach you a method called the premortem that you can use with yourself, your team, or in almost any situation that will help you remove obstacles and barriers, and the premortem will improve your chances of success by over 30%. The pre-mortem is a tool based on an old stoic exercise, but made famous by Professor Gary Klein, who teaches it to corporations. Before teams at companies like NASA, Cisco, and IBM, do anything…
