From the course: B2B Foundations: Social Media Marketing

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Using Facebook and LinkedIn groups to find new business opportunities

Using Facebook and LinkedIn groups to find new business opportunities

From the course: B2B Foundations: Social Media Marketing

Using Facebook and LinkedIn groups to find new business opportunities

- [Instructor] Using Facebook and LinkedIn groups to find new business opportunities. Do you use groups on social media? You can find them on both Facebook and LinkedIn. Groups have some really great uses for business. There are groups where you can network with your industry peers, post answers to people's questions and get answers to your own questions. You can also find groups where your ideal customers hang out and you can use those groups to watch the discussions and find out more about them. You might even be hosting your own group. The benefits of groups come into play when you can dive into discussions and get involved with offering people helpful advice. Not only are you being helpful, but you're showing up as the go-to expert for your subject and people will start to notice you. It's all part of building the know, like and trust factor that makes people want to do business with you. Let's first take a look at…
