From the course: B2B Foundations: Social Media Marketing

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The importance of thought leadership content to B2B social media marketing

The importance of thought leadership content to B2B social media marketing

From the course: B2B Foundations: Social Media Marketing

The importance of thought leadership content to B2B social media marketing

- [Narrator] The importance of thought leadership content to B2B social media marketing. We all see people in business and the world that we admire, people we follow on social media because they share such great knowledge and insights. We may or may not have even met them or worked with them, but that's what's great about social media. It's a global resource. Another term for these industry experts we admire is thought leaders, and they stand out from behind their company logo as someone who has something important to say and should be listened to. Just think. As a buyer, if you were choosing between potential suppliers, and individuals from one company regularly published thought leadership content that was well-researched, with innovative ideas and the latest data, this activity would really make them stand out from their competitors, right? Some stats for you. Research by Edelman and LinkedIn shows that almost…
