From the course: B2B Foundations: Social Media Marketing

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The benefits of social media for business

The benefits of social media for business

From the course: B2B Foundations: Social Media Marketing

The benefits of social media for business

- [Instructor] The Benefits of Social Media for Business. Social media isn't a new thing anymore, but it can feel like it's still being discovered for business marketing. And there's many benefits to using the platforms to reach new customers, to help guide their decision-making process and to gain their loyalty and referrals. The first step to truly realizing the benefits of social media is defining its purpose within your business. What do you want social media to achieve for you? And don't start with, how will you use a social media platform. As a trainer, I get these requests all the time. Please show me how to tweet, or show me how to do an Instagram story, without really understanding what it's all about or why you might want to do either of those things. You need to know your destination before you set off and have a roadmap to keep you heading in the right direction especially when you're on business time.…
